When boxes are in a corner they can not move.If there are 2 boxes in a row you can not push them against each other until one of them has moved to a different row or column.You can push boxes, but you can not pull them.The goal of the game is to place all the crates onto the red destinations in as few moves as possible.The upper right corner has buttons to restart the level and return to the game’s welcome screen.The upper left corner of the screen shows how many of the total crates you have positioned correctly and how many moves you have played on the stage.The direction pad is in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the arrow keys or WASD to move around the playing field and push boxes.The options menu allows you to switch to fullscreen mode or turn game volume off. The welcome screen has buttons for controlling game options & reading game developer credits.Your web browser saves your beat levels, but if you close your web browser it erases your play data.Initially only the first level is accessible.Select the Play Game button on the game’s welcome screen to visit the level select screen.Do not get any boxes stuck in corners or against walls where you are unable to move the box from. Push all the boxes on each level onto the red squares.